Tsukunst is a combination of two Yiddish words: tsukunft (future) and kunst (art). This represents the belief that art is a vessel for future-making, in how it can drive us in our present by making different possible futures vivid and palpable. Or as the double meaning of the yiddish phrase “es ken gemolt zayn” tells us: it is paintable / it is possible.
Because art is an act of birthing and calling into the world, it allows us to practice embodying the realities that we want to exist - by creating a vibrant Jewish diaspora through our languages, our rituals, our relationships and our acts of solidarity with our neighbors, we birth new realities (and rebirth old realities) that disrupt zionist + all settler colonial notions of belonging through ownership and dominance. I imagine all of us existing and creating at this time as a wild, luscious tree that is growing root systems so wide and intertwined we can crack through concrete foundations, and branches so stretching and lush we know there is enough rest and sweetness for us all.
Exhibitions + Publications
Veln Di Verter Oykh Nern: The Words Will Also Nourish | Artist Book and Prints by Etai Rogers-Fett, at the Tamar Hendel Gallery, Create Arts Center, 2024
Atlanta Print Biennial [Studio Noize Award], Kai Lin Art Gallery, Atlanta, GA, 2023
Key to Success, PAAC Keyholder Residents Group Exhibition, Yumi Hogan International Art Gallery, BWI Marshall Airport, 2023
Art Speaks Juried Exhibition [Award of Merit], Bay School, 2023
Hope/Less: Yiddish New York Arts Exhibition at the Heller Museum, Hebrew Union College 2023
I’ll Be There: An Exhibition About Love at Anne Marie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 2022
CrossCurrents: God, The God of Unmet Desire by Zisl. Vol. 72, N.1
Protocols Issue # 7: Six + Genders
Mapping Jewish LA: Recovering Yiddish Culture in Los Angeles
Contact Etai